Urban ID: Living Urban Pilots
Years active: 2017-2018
Funders: EPSRC led but 7 research councils involved
The aim of this project was to create a novel Integrated Diagnostics Framework and methods to address several key urban challenges. This framework brings together multiple viewpoints, disciplines and sectors from across the city of Bristol to address challenges related to the creation of a more healthy, prosperous, resilient and sustainable city. The framework developed during the project was used to diagnose complex urban challenges across four ‘Challenge Themes: Mobility and Accessibilty, Health and Happiness, Equality and Inclusion and the Carbon Neutral city.
The project was led by the University of Bristol with partners including the University of the West of England, the City of Bristol and the neighbouring South Gloucestershire urban area, Bristol Green Capital Partnership, Bristol Health Partners. Five case studies were developed where academics from across disciplines worked in partnership with local business, citizens and civil society organisations to understand live challenges facing particular areas in the city.
Methods adopted within case studies were varied but involved creative and participatory approaches, including workshops with citizens and community organisations, interdependency and system mapping, interviews with community members and a meta-study of the process of the project team which included interviews with the twenty or so core group members which included academics from both universities, civil servants, civil society organizational leads and business leaders.